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St. Margaret's Street

St. Margaret's Street

On the right here is Marlowe Florists that sometimes gets rid of their stock at the end of the working day at knock-down prices.

Further along are a couple of bookshops, Waterstons and Volume One Bookshop. You can make out the black sign with the W for Waterstones.

Waterstones took over their premises from a business called Martins which sold womens clothes aimed at the 'older' woman. The top floor was a tea shop. Martins still runs the top floor café, with the remainder of the building being a bookshop.

Press for ReportReports from the Canterbury Archaeological Trust

The Canterbury Tour, a unique virtual walk around this ancient city Peter Collinson
This page last changed on 8th October 2024.
Photograph June 2005. © Copyright Peter Collinson, All rights reserved.